Science Highlights

Validating electronic structure models using neutron scattering

Showing that electronic structure calculations provide an accurate model of a 2D magnetic material.

Saving qubits from lossy oxides

SQMS scientists develop unique qubit fabrication techniques that enable systematic improvements in the performance of superconducting devices for quantum computing, communication, and sensing.

Improved coherence in optically defined niobium tri-layer junction qubits

Developed method for nanofabrication of high coherence Nb-trilayer Josephson junctions.

New algorithm to simulate open quantum systems

QSA scientists designed and demonstrated a novel NISQ-friendly algorithm for simulating real-world open quantum systems on quantum computers.

Towards provably efficient quantum algorithms for large-scale machine learning models

Efficient quantum algorithms for large-scale machine-learning models. 

Researchers build an atomic-level model of oxidization on the surface of tantalum film

Advanced electron microscopy and first-principles calculations reveal atomic motifs at the oxidized surface of superconducting tantalum film.

Benchmarking variational quantum eigensolvers for the kitaev model

Advancing variational quantum algorithms on NISQ devices

Deterministic nanoscale quantum spin-defect implantation and diffraction strain imaging

Studying the formation dynamics of divacancy spin qubits in 4H-SiC using high-resolution synthesis and strain imaging.

Direct-bonded diamond membranes for heterogeneous quantum and electronic technologies 

Developing a method for direct bonding single-crystal diamond membranes to a wide variety of materials. 

Understanding superconductivity with quantum simulators

QSA scientists developed a unique programmable quantum simulator capable of predicting the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of superconductors

Disentangling the sources of ionizing radiation in a typical qubit chip

Identifying the sources of radioactivity enables the development of appropriate strategies for mitigation.

Identifying potential nanoscale sources of decoherence in Nb superconducting qubits

Insights regarding defects in the surface oxide help inform new methods for improving qubit coherence.

On the hunt for dark matter, with entangled haloscopes

Exploring the role of entanglement for next-generation detector technology, with applications to fundamental physics

Increasing algorithmic efficiency with N-body interactions for trapped-ion qubits

QSA scientists developed a novel protocol for the single-step generation of N-body entangling interactions between trapped ion qubits. This capability supports more efficient execution of quantum algorithms, which have better performance in the face of decoherence and other errors.

A quantum processor based on coherent transport of entangled atom arrays

Demonstrating the ability to shuttle ancilla arrays consisting of neutral atoms in optical tweezers, to realize a toric code state on a torus with 24 qubits. These results pave the way toward scalable quantum processing and enable new applications from simulation to metrology.

Scalable Simulation of Quantum Circuits

Navigating noise on GPU-based HPC systems

Encoding topological states in a neutral atom simulator

QSA scientists used a neutral atom quantum simulator to observe the onset of a quantum spin liquid phase, demonstrating how these flexible systems can be used to experimentally explore topological materials that have been a major focus in physics for the past several decades.